Import and Export Model Files

Model data can be exported to a file for backup and recovery and to transfer the model between TeamPort Servers.


  1. From the Designer File menu, choose Export > and then Export to File...
  2. The Save File dialog box will display.
  3. Select a location and name the file.
  4. A file of type .gpp will be created in the location you selected

Note: A large project can take minutes to write to a file particularly if you have located the file on a network drive

Note: TeamPort can also create xml formatted files. These files will be substantially larger than .gpp files and take longer to read and write.


  1. From the Designer File menu, choose Import and then Import from File...
  2. The Open File dialog box will display.
  3. Select the location and file.
  4. Look at the bottom of the TeamPort Designer window to see when the file loading is completed

Note: A large project can take minutes to read from a file particularly if you have located the file on a network drive

Note: TeamPort can also create xml formatted files. These files will be substantially larger than .gpp files and take longer to read and write.