TeamPort Designer

TeamPort's visual and rapid model bulder for capturing the essence of complex projects.

Collaboratively, teams discover the interrelationships among products, tasks, people, locations, coordination, and work schedules that make up a project. Hi-level visualization of dependencies and relationships is a unique strength of TeamPort Designer. The impact is clarity of scope, roles, and effective utilization of teams and critical resources. Improve communication among teams and coordinate processes to save time, money, and effort.

So that project leaders can focus on their own expertise in the teams, product, and work at hand, we've eliminated the need for them to be software experts. Project managers and team leaders access multiple project views, enabling global, collaborative project design.  TeamPort Designer's user-supportive environment dramatically improves the productivity of project managers and teams.

Project models are rapidly created and improved for more accurate plans that are easily maintained.

The Designer User Interface is composed of six parts: Menus, Navigation (to select Views), View specific Toolbars, a View, Detail Panes, and System Information.

All parts of the UI are covered in depth in other Help articles except the System Info section.

System Information

The System Info bar displays information from the server: